Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Do u knw to make good coffee??

I just browsed thru' my blog. As correctly suggested by many, i have given a total one-sided view of the preparation phase. Coming to the interesting aspects of it, let me just start with this post. Someone says only geeks nd bookworms make their way thru GATE. Here we stand as "Exception"-al examples of that. These are some thoroughly enjoyed interludes of our Preparations days. This post, as u might realise in the end, serves dual purpose. First is to tell you how much fun preps can be. The second is to let out my frustrations.

If anyone comes to me asking suggestions for successful preparation, the question i shoot out is, Well, "first ask yourself if you knw to make good coffee??". How important can making coffee be. I would say, preps can be incomplete without coffees. Often we come across days wen we need to stay up overnight. It becomes nearly impossible without caffeine. Well sometimes it keeps us just as much alert, to realize that we're falling asleep. Quite often, sleeping over the Big Cormen Book, waking up in the morning and finding torn pages, it happens to everyone. You are not an exception. If this is ur problem, then coffee is there to help you out.

Usually everyone prefers the Mom-Made-Coffee, for it is amazing to taste, given in a tray, in neat porcelain wares, ready to be consumed, and wat not. I strictly do not believe in making parents stay up all night along with us. For all that you know, they might not have stayed up like for themselves.So it is always better to learn making 'GOOD' Coffees. And i cry because i was the only one who knows to make coffee in the study group that we had. Always asking 'why god only me?'. (Now karthik must be fuming, @karthik :well i am talking abt 2009 preps).

I am a genuine host always wanting to help my guests and make them feel comfortable. I make coffee whenever we have a night-out at my place. Thats understandable. But when we have night outs at someone else's place, then guess who makes coffee? its me again. It becomes a little embarrassing to work in a kitchen thats not urs. And of course u cant be working wen ur supposed to sit and enjoy. Anish, now learn to make coffees, it might help u in ur married life(remember u had great plans, 1 wife, 2 children, etc. Oh sorry i didnt realise i was blogging ) !!

Sometimes we miscalculate the proportion nd coffee might just fall short by half a glass. Well guess who's going to pay the price? the person who makes it. And all the more fun if it is the same person who makes it always. Now i think u understand my woes.

Somehow after all this, i found my kitchen to be an exotic location where i can study really well leaning on the granite slabs. Try this. It really WORKS !!


  1. Ok!!Gate has taught u to make coffee!!Man!!Why dint that happen in those Moronic days of preparing for God Forsaken Anna Univ exams..It used to be the Poor Jay who Made it for us!!!but i cant certify ur coffee as good till i taste is!!So here goes..whers my coffee PK,The so called prophet idolizes a mere mix of water,milk and a drug, and attributes his success to it :P :P

  2. Anna univ exams werent that demanding either for us to stay awake all night.And yeah i appreciate jay for her coffees, but for the uncalculated amt of sugar that she tosses into that.

    btw Its not just a mere mix of the 3 components. It needs the touch of a genius u knw. :)
    Well i am sure u ve missed something gr8 as my coffee serves as a benchmark thru'out the GATE study circle[probably bcos i am the only one who knws to make it].

  3. Hope we can make arrangements at IITB to prepare our own coffee. Eager to taste PK-made coffee!

  4. yeah. i hope i am not the only one who knws how to make coffees.
    Sure i ll make it sometime in IITB, keep ur fingers crossed.

  5. Hi,
    Yeah so we can hope to see a post on this very blog (quite soon)entitled "PK's Coffee Making Story -Part 2"(Duty Continues)...LOL..Wonder how many people are crossing their fingers for that..Just kidding :)...Studying in the kitchen...Esp leaning against or sitting on the cool granite slabs(Provided no one is in there busy making coffee)..I totally agree it really works out:D....So its "Thanks" to your friends then that you found an exotic study place:P
